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Garden Guides


Australasian Botanic Garden Guides 18th Conference


20th– 23rd October 2025

Visions & Visionaries - Past Present & Future

Why Visions and Visionaries as our 2025 Conference Theme?


If we start at the beginning of our State’s History — South Australia was created with the South Australian Act of 1834 and was founded on a vision, that of a free colony offering wealth creation and opportunities for colonists and for England.

Many Botanic Gardens owe their existence to persuasive individuals or groups who shared a vision of plants and green spaces. In colonial South Australia, this vision included utilising existing knowledge of plants for food, fibre, medicine, spiritual comfort, and survival. The result is several structures and areas within our gardens which tell the story of early human associations with plants and of the phrenetic days of early plant collection. It is through early Adelaide Botanic Garden visionaries such as George Francis, Richard Schomburgk, Noel Lothian, Brian Morley, Stephen Forbes, and many others that the treasury of gardens and structures were created that can be seen in the three botanic gardens of Adelaide. The role of the visionary is not limited to the past. New generations search for botanic accuracy, for links to the current from our geological past, and for ways to register and, in some cases, counter the changes being wrought by a changing world.

We can see the legacy of the past and meet and hear a new generation of visionaries at this important Australasian Botanic Garden Guides Conference.

Australasian Botanic Garden Guides Conferences:
Garden Guides have met informally since 1983. In 1994, this became a formal conference event which is now biennial. These Conferences aim to share information, knowledge, and experiences to enhance volunteer guiding in Australasian Botanic Gardens.


Image Original artwork by Joanne Knott
