Garden Tours
The Garden Guides are trained volunteer members of The Friends, acting as a specialist group with the aim to promote in visitors, an appreciation and awareness of the Gardens and its many functions.
They provide guided walks in all Botanic gardens and Botanic Park. They provide commentary for bus tours of Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens.
They meet monthly to plan general, special event and booked walks and build on their vast wealth of knowledge, while sharing the stories behind the collections, buildings people and plants. The Guides call on the expertise of Botanic Garden Staff and a variety of people as part of their ongoing training.
The Garden Guide Training Course is offered around every 2 years.
It is a 12 week once-a-week course and covers comprehensive material to ensure that participants are confident and have the tools they need to conduct Guided walks in the Three Gardens.
Regular Guided Walks
Guided walks are conducted by experienced Friends Garden Guides.
All regular walks are free (Gold coin donation appreciated) and last approximately 1.5 hours. No booking is necessary unless you are a group of 5 or more (see Booked walks).
No Guided Walks on: Christmas Day or Good Friday or when the temperature is forecast to be 36C or above.
Adelaide Botanic Garden
Walks leave Daily at 10:30 am from the Schomburgk Pavilion.
Please click here to display the map of Adelaide Botanic Garden
Botanic Park
Walks leave from North Lodge, Plane Tree Drive, every Monday at 2 pm.
Mount Lofty Botanic Garden
Walks leave from the Lower Car Park (Lampert Rd), every Thursday at 10:30 am.
Guides can be booked for Bus Tours of the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden.
This service is only available on Weekdays, 1 APRIL until 30 OCTOBER and your bus must have no more than 22 seats.
Wittunga Botanic Garden
Walks leave from Main Gate, CarPark Shepherds Hill Rd, Blackwood every Tuesday 10:30 am.
Catch G30 Bus from Adelaide to Stop 30B, or Take Train Belair Line, Coromandel Valley Station, and walk to Fern Ave entrance, WBG.
Booked Walks
Booked Walks are available for groups of 5 or more.
Special Walks are available for Groups of 5 or more.
Guides offer Guided tours during History Festival, held May each year.
Self-Guided Walks
The garden guides prepare monthly or seasonal guided trails for each of the 3 gardens. The trail notes can be downloaded below.
Please Note: SGW are available in boxes in Adelaide Botanic Garden & Wittunga Botanic Garden..
Adelaide Botanic Garden Self Guided Walks
Mt Lofty Botanic Garden Lower Car Park Walk
Mt Lofty Botanic Garden Upper Car Park Walk
Wittunga Botanic Garden Walk