
To Volunteer it is essential that you join the Friends of the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide.


By joining the FBGA you are becoming part of a community that supports the Botanic Gardens of South Australia & State Herbarium.

PLEASE CONTACT:  friendsabg@internode.on.net with your volunteer request or fill in the following online form.

TOURS COMMITTEE: The Friends put on a regular program of events organised and run by a committee that meets monthly. The Tours Group are looking for members to be involved in organising tours and events.

FRIENDS’ COMMITTEE: A person may nominate to join the Committee who meet on the 3rd Monday of each month in the ABG to make decisions on the direction of the Friends.

GARDEN GUIDES: A trained group of Friends who take guided walks in all 3 Botanic Gardens.

GAZETTE MAILOUT: Help with the mail out of the Gazette, 4 times per year.

GROWING GROUP: The Growing Friends are a hard-working group propagating and tending plants in the Mt Lofty Botanic Garden Plant Nursery – There is a WAITING LIST to join this popular group.

MEMBERSHIP/PROMOTIONS/COMMUNITY EVENTS: Promotion of the Friends at Community Events and in the media.

NORTH LODGE: Volunteer between 11am – 2pm on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays. If you do have a few spare hours each month.

OFFICE: Help with the Mailout of Friends’ Newsletter, 4 times per year.

PUBLICATIONS: The Friends Gazette is produced four times a year. Journalistic, editing, or advertising experience is required.

HANDS ON HORT’ WBG: Garden maintenance volunteering in the WBG at Blackwood. Help required on a weekday for half a day Tuesdays per week from 9am to 1pm, Friends.

HANDS ON HORT MLBG: Garden maintenance volunteering in the Mt Lofty Botanic Garden Piccadilly. Thursday mornings.

HANDS ON HORT: ABG help out with basic maintenance in the Classground adjacent to North Lodge. Tuesday mornings.

VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE: If you would like to train to volunteer in the Visitor Information Centre, please contact the FBGA Office.

MUSEUM OF ECONOMIC BOTANY: needs Volunteers to assist with the enjoyment of the Museum by visitors to the Gardens. Contact 8222 9311 (BGA Reception).

Membership Form

